MSc Business Information Management @RSM/Nederlands

[25] 시장에서 쓰는 표현 (op de markt)

Hazel Y. 2022. 8. 18. 18:19

G = groenteboer(채소장수)

K = klant(손님)


G: Wie is er aan de beurt? = Who is next? = 다음 누구신가요?


K: Ik. = Me. = 저요.


G: Zeg het maar. = Say it. (Say what you need.) = 뭘로 드릴까요?


K: Twee komkommers graag. = Two cucumbers, please. = 오이 두 개 주세요.


G: Ik heb mooie tomaten. = I have nice tomatoes. = 토마토도 상태가 좋아요.


K: Doe die maar. = Do that. (Give me them, then.) = 그럼 토마토도 주세요.


G: Verder/Anders nog iets? = Anything more? = 더 필요하신 건 없으세요?


K: Ja. Een bloemkool, alstublieft. / Ja. Doe ook maar knoflook. / Nee, dat was het. / Nee, anders niets.

= Yes. One cauliflower, please. / Yes. Garlic as well. / No, that's it. / No, nothing more.

= 콜리플리워 하나 주세요. / 마늘도 주세요. / 네, 그게 다에요. / 네, 더 필요한 거 없어요.


G: Dat was het? = That's it? = 또 있으신가요?


K: Ja, dat was het. / Ja, dat was alles. / Nee, ik wil ook nog aardappels.

= Yes, that's it. / Yes, that was everything. / No, I still also want potatoes.

= 아뇨, 이제 없어요. / 아뇨, 그게 다에요. / 네, 감자도 주세요.


G: Gaat het zo mee? = Can you carry all of them? = 다 들고가실 수 있으신가요?

G: Tasje erbij? = Do you need a bag? = 봉투에 담아드릴까요?


K: Ja hoor. / Nee. Hebt u een tasje? = Yes. / No. Do you have a bag? = 네. / 아니요. 혹시 봉투에 담아주실 수 있으신가요?

K: Ja, graag. / Nee hoor. = Yes, please. / No. = 네. / 아니요. 괜찮아요.



참고 및 출처: Nederlands in gang